
Showing posts from August, 2020

How to define and use a fetal Doppler?

The arrival of a baby in the house is always very special in many ways, and it is not just about the would-be parents but the whole family seems very much excited for welcoming the new member, but the whole of this pregnancy procedure is not as easy as it seems to be. The procedure altogether is quite complicated and therefore, it is very much needed to keep an expecting mother in proper medical monitors for the maintenance of good health of the baby as well as the mother. Proper regular medical checkups and monitoring eliminates all the doubts of the doctor as well as the patient and also if something goes wrong inside the body of the mother or with the baby growing in her womb then that also becomes easy for the doctor to identify and then further the doctor can prescribe further steps that should be taken for the cure, as cure becomes easier if the problem is detected at its developing stage. So, here we will talk about the most popular machine that is used for diagnosis over a


  Before starting the discussion about various types of suction devices that are available in the market and are used by the doctors for suctioning their patients first of all let us introduce all the readers to the process of suctioning. What is the definition of suctioning? The process of suctioning refers to the removal of waste materials using the technique of high pressure the waste material may include solid, liquid or even gas, so the word suction comes from the act of sucking, so we can say that sometimes when a patient fails to remove some waste from the body naturally that is where suctioning is used and with the help of high-pressure vacuum technique, all the waste material is pulled out from the body of the patient artificially with the help of machines. Types of suction devices: But the suction machine is not just limited to one of its kind, but there are various types of devices and machines that can be used for the conduct of the suction process. There are 4 types of dev