Before starting the discussion about various types of suction devices that are available in the market and are used by the doctors for suctioning their patients first of all let us introduce all the readers to the process of suctioning.

What is the definition of suctioning?

The process of suctioning refers to the removal of waste materials using the technique of high pressure the waste material may include solid, liquid or even gas, so the word suction comes from the act of sucking, so we can say that sometimes when a patient fails to remove some waste from the body naturally that is where suctioning is used and with the help of high-pressure vacuum technique, all the waste material is pulled out from the body of the patient artificially with the help of machines.

Types of suction devices:

But the suction machine is not just limited to one of its kind, but there are various types of devices and machines that can be used for the conduct of the suction process. There are 4 types of devices that can be used for the conduct of the suction process on the body of the patient. The decision of using the right type of suction device depends on various factors like the medical history of the patient and also on the type of waste material that is to be removed from the body of the patient.

Here we will discuss in detail all the 4 types of suction devices that are available at the leading medical equipment sellers in India such as the Surgitek equipment store.

Manual suction devices: The manual suction devices are mainly used for the conduct of the suction procedures in emergencies and at the places where there are not many medicines available. These devices work well in such emergency situations as they are used through hands, but these devices are not suitable for continuous long use as it becomes problematic to maintain consistency.

Makeshift suction devices: These makeshift suction devices refer to any tube or straw shaped pipe like equipment, this type of equipment can be used in case of emergencies, but they are not a reliable source and also they increase the risk of airway trauma and therefore such devices should not be used by the untrained unskilled person, also the use of such devices is not all recommended until and unless the patient is in dire need of it.

Wall-mounted suction: This is the most reliable and the oldest process used for suctioning, this equipment always get the process done very steadily and also neatly, but the only problem with this equipment of suctioning is that they are not very much portable.

Portable suction: The portable suction machine is the best out of all the four types of suction devices, as these devices are always fast with the process, they are similar in workings as that of the wall-mounted suction but the only difference is, using a portable suction does not require a patient to move in an ambulance. The device is very well compatible with various medical equipment attachments and also it has long durable battery life.

If you are looking to buy a suction machine for your hospital or if you need any other medical equipment or machine then the best service in town is available at surgical equipment manufacturer.

Source URL: https://surgitek.org/what-are-the-different-types-of-suction-devices.php


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